Awaken To The Moment

The essence of Heart of Now is the practice of presence with our whole-self: our emotions, our thoughts, our bodies, and the part of us that is connected to everyone and everything, the place from which our dreams and visions spring. In each moment, we have the opportunity to breathe deeply, to welcome our emotions, to gain clarity, to be seen more authentically, to accept the way things are, and to show up to what is with our full presence. When we are being present with ourselves, we can be present with others and with the circumstances of our lives. In this place of presence, we are free from the limitations that have held us back, all possibilities are available to us in the moment, and we are free to create our life as we want it to be.

At Heart of Now we practice skills and tools designed to make the concept of being present with our whole-selves a reality. We dive deep within ourselves and explore our traumas, our blocks, our joys and our dreams. We release old patterns and stored emotions as we move further into becoming who we want to be and following our passions. We not only practice getting deeply in-tune with ourselves but learn how to affectively share our authenticity with others so that we can feel seen and understood.

Eye Gazing